As cannabis becomes increasingly integrated into the wellness routines of many individuals, the focus on health-conscious consumption methods is more important than ever. For those looking to enjoy the benefits of cannabis while prioritizing their well-being, understanding the healthiest delivery methods is key. Different consumption methods can greatly impact the overall experience and effects, making … Continued
In 2024, Portland’s cannabis scene is buzzing with excitement over a variety of standout strains that have captured the hearts of local enthusiasts. Whether you’re seeking a vibrant Sativa to kickstart your day or a relaxing Indica for winding down, there’s something for everyone in this year’s lineup of popular cannabis strains. These top strains, … Continued
If you are a fan of cannabis, and want a new way to ingest it other than by smoking, then this is certainly where you want to be. Cooking with cannabis is about more than just some sugary gummies that get you high, it is about creating delicious meals that get you high. Whether that be as … Continued
Whether you are just visiting Portland, or are a local looking for something new to do, here are the 15 best things to do while in the City of Roses. Of course everything is fun if you are high, and PotMates will deliver high quality flower, vape cartridges, or edibles to your door but even … Continued
I’m sure that most dog owners have wondered what would happen if they gave their dog a bit of cannabis, or maybe they’ve had a dog get into their stash and are wondering if it is considered safe. With the way that the bodies of dogs behave, studies have found that while cannabis is not … Continued
If you’re a fan of wine, then you know that picking the right pairing for your wine of choice for the night, is the second most important ingredient for a good night. The first, of course, is the type of wine. Cannabis is a great option if you are looking to spice up your routine, … Continued
Are you fresh into the job market and looking for a change in careers? Something new and exciting that will certainly see lots of growth in the coming years? Look no further than the cannabis industry. Since cannabis became legal in many states, it has seen a serious increase in the number of jobs that … Continued
Hammond Potter, Cannabis Connoisseur Our founder and CEO, Hammond Potter, understands the joys and benefits of marijuana as much as anyone. A lot of people have asked us questions about his favorite strains, where he used to shop before Pot Mates, and how he likes to indulge in our collective favorite pastime. We decided it … Continued
Introduction Cannabis and food are two great things that go great together, each enhancing the experience of the other. Although there are a million different edibles companies out there (and a few fantastic ones,) there’s just something so satisfying and rewarding about making them yourself. The same way kneading bread by hand can help you … Continued
What’s the best part about the legalization of cannabis in Oregon? Obviously, that you can get it hand-delivered to your door! But what’s the second -best part about legalization? You can finally grow your own , without fear, in the comfort of your home, and then smoke the fruits of your labor! While the flower … Continued
Cannabis and the Elderly Aug 31, 2023 Thanks to a reduced stigma, and easier access, cannabis products have become more popular among senior adults. The more that they were asked, the more it became apparent that older adults were using cannabis, and they were using it a lot. Of course, most of them were using … Continued
It’s back! Get ready for Oregon Hempfest 2022 , a return to something resembling normal—well, maybe more NORML than normal , but you get it. Oregon Hempfest was the first Hempfest to be officially licensed after the original, and it will be back on July 16th and 17th, 2022, after a two-year COVID-related hiatus. As … Continued
Legalization Liberates Police to Focus on Serious Crime Jun 17, 2022 There were countless excellent reasons to legalize medical and recreational marijuana. Maintaining the right to bodily autonomy, generating tax revenue for social services, and creating a whole new industry’s worth of job opportunities are just a few of them. We’re starting to see real … Continued
Introduction It’s finally spring in the Pacific Northwest, and summer is right around the corner. After months of being cooped up inside under threat of rain, snow, and hail, you’re finally ready to go out and see the world again, supplemented by our favorite recreational herb. But where should you go? What should you do? … Continued
This year marks the second time ever that Juneteenth will be celebrated as a certified, bonafide, federal holiday, which is as good an indicator as any of America’s pace in the progression toward racial equity. This will also be the first year Oregon celebrates Juneteenth as an official state holiday Juneteenth commemorates the announcement of … Continued
The U.S. House Pushes for Legalization Jun 24, 2022 It was a great day for a practical joke, but it turns out the U. S. House of Representatives were actually feeling pretty serious on April 1st, 2022. They voted to pass HR 3384 , the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act, also known as the … Continued
Introduction Our favorite part about cannabis is the way it makes us feel when we ingest it, whether that’s smoking a nice fatty, munching on some tasty edibles, or loading up our rig with sticky dabs. Medical users swear by its positive benefits on their health, and years of research and development have gone into … Continued
The Differences Between Recreational and Medical Cannabis in Oregon
What a time to be alive! Medical marijuana first became legal in Oregon back in 1998, and we’ve been able to enjoy recreational cannabis ever since 2014. Of course, recreational weed didn’t replace the medical marijuana program, so that’s left a lot of people wondering: now that weed’s legal, why would I still need a … Continued
One of the most enjoyable ways to spend a high is watching a good movie or two, but there’s always a problem: as soon as you’re ready to get nestled in with a good flick, you’re confronted with endless lists and menus of things you could watch—and often the choices aren’t great. Netflix alone has … Continued
We’ve been celebrating Black History Month all February, but the relationship between People of Color and cannabis throughout history has been tenuous at best—especially here in America. Even before the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, weed was making life difficult for Black people, and although the struggle looks a little different today, it hasn’t gone … Continued
Best Places to Be High in Portland Have you ever smoked a bowl and then wondered what to do next? It’s a nice day outside, you don’t have to go to work, and you may even have some friends who are available to hang out. Being bored sucks, but if you’re in Portland that will … Continued
High Times Cannabis Cup 2022: People’s Choice Jun 17, 2022 The High Times Cannabis Cup is an annual event that combines the best parts of festival, trade show, and cannabis competition into a global celebration of ganja. It was founded in 1988 by former High Times editor Steve Hager, and has undergone many evolutions since … Continued
Oregon Grower’s Cup 2021 Feb 22, 2022 On December 4th, cannabis enthusiasts from all over the state got to participate in the Seventh Annual Oregon Grower’s Cup. It’s the oldest and largest cannabis competition in the state, ranking Oregon’s finest cannabis products across a variety of categories including indoor and outdoor flower, greenhouse, solventless extract, … Continued
What Are All These Cannabis Extracts and Concentrates? Weed has evolved, and people have come up with some pretty ingenious ways to consume it. While you can still pick up dank sticky nugs to roll into a joint and smoke the old-fashioned way, new technologies have resulted in cannabis extracts and concentrates that bring out … Continued
Four Ways to Enhance the Romance with Cannabis Feb 11, 2022 Time slips in jolts and jumps, so if we’re the first to tell you Monday is Valentine’s Day, then we’re glad to remind you. And it’s not too late to do something special for your valentine, particularly if you and your significant other(s?) enjoy … Continued
NuProject Grants Pot Mates A Marketing Boost Oct 13, 2021 We are so stoked to announce that Pot Mates has received a grant from NuProject to enlist the services of an SEO marketing firm. This allows us to expand our reach and ensure every pot-smoking Portlander knows we’re open for business. NuLeaf Project is a … Continued
Introduction Marijuana has been the target of vicious disinformation campaigns over the past century, making it hard to sort out fact from fiction. Starting with the Marijuana Menace of the early twentieth century and morphing into full-blown Reefer Madness by the 1930s, the dangers of weed have been exaggerated while research into its medical applications … Continued